










张莲民博士现任深圳市大数据研究院智慧城市/交通/物流大数据实验室主任、高级研究科学家。曾任南京大学工程管理学院副教授。主要从事基于数据驱动的运营管理研究。已在Operations Research、Production and Operations Management、Naval Research Logistics、Decision Science、Transportation Research Part B、European Journal of Operational Research、Computers and Operational Research、International Journal of Production Research、Transportation Research Part E等国际SCI/SSCI期刊上发表学术论文40多篇。近年来,作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,江苏省自然科学基金1项,并以主要人员参与国家级课题、政府及企业项目多项。2015年获得江苏省双创博士人才计划,2018年获得南京大学魅力导师称号,2020年南京大学工程管理学院学术成果奖,2021年获得深圳市海外高层次人才。现任中国物流学会理事、中国运筹学会排序分会理事、广东省运筹学会物流分会理事等。香港研究资助局(RGC)项目通讯评审专家。担任Operations Research等国际顶级期刊审稿人。曾在新加坡国立大学、香港大学、香港中文大学、香港科技大学、澳门大学等访问交流。与华为、招商局港口集团、中广核等大型企业开展项目合作研究。




Book Chapter

Scheduling with Stochastic Approaches. In Sequencing and Scheduling with Inaccurate Data, Editors: Yuri N. Sotskov and Frank Werner, Nova Science, 2013. (with X.Cai, X.Wu, X.Zhou)

Selected Journal Publication

[1] The Inventory Routing Problem under Uncertainty. Operations Research, 71(1), 378-395, 2023. (with Z.Cui, D.Long, J.Qi)

[2] Target-based Inventory Pooling Problem. Forthcoming at Production and Operations Management.(with Z.Cui, J.Ding, D. Long)

[3] Cost Sharing for Capacity Transfer in Cooperating Queueing Systems, Production and Operations Management, 27(4), 644-662, 2018.(with Y.Zeng, X.Cai, J.Li)

[4] Population Monotonic Allocation Schemes for the Two-Period Economic Lot-Sizing Games, Operations Research Letters. 51, 296-3032023.(with Q.Jin, Y.Wu, Y.Zeng)

[5] Pricing Optimization under the Extended Nested Logit Model. Operations Research Letters. 51, 54-59,2023.(with L.Li, M.Li, H.Zhang)

[6] Store Brand Introduction in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain: The Roles of Quality Differentiation and Power Structure. OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science. 116, 1-12, 102802, 2023.(with Y.Xiao, W.Niu, W.Xue)

[7] Pricing Optimization and Competition under the Linear Nested Stochastic Choice Model, Naval Research Logistics. 69(2), 201-222,2022. (with L.Li, M.Li, G.Ke)

[8] Target-oriented Location-transportation Problem with Service-level Measure. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 153, 1-20,2021. (with X.Wang, Y.Kuo, H.Shen)

[9] Optimal Purchasing Policy for Fresh Products from Multiple Supply Sources with Considerations of Random Delivery Times, Risk, and Information, Decision Sciences. 51(6), 1377-1410,2020.(with X.Xu, X.Cai)

[10] What Do Institutional Investors Bring to Initial Coin Offerings(ICOs)? Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Forthcoming. 2022.(with S.Wang, X.Cai, L.Guan)

[11] Target-based Parallel machine total weighted completion time. International Journal of Production Research. Forthcoming. 2022. (with Y.Li, Y.Kuo, R.Li, H.Shen)

[12] Demand Forecasts with Judgement Bias in a Newsvendor Problem. International Journal of Production Research. Forthcoming. 2022. (with Y.Zheng, J.Li, Q.Fu)

[13] Is Group-Buying Price Mechanism a Good Choice in the Business-to-Business Systems? International Transaction of Operations Research. 2022. (with L.Guan, W.Gu, W.Niu)

[14] The Value of the Physical Internet on the Meals-On-Wheel Delivery Systems, International Journal of Production Economics. Forthcoming. 2022. (with M.Lin, S.Lin, L.Ma)

[15] Power Structure and Decarbonizing Investment under Innovation Uncertainty: A Triple Bottom Line Analysis. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Forthcoming. 2022. (with W.Niu, H.Shen)

[16] Optimal Group-buying Price Strategy Considering the Information Sharing of the Seller and Buyers in Social E-commerce. International Transaction of Operations Research. 29(3), 1769-1790, 2022.(with L.Guan, H.Chen, H.Ma)

[17] Target-based Distributionally Robust Optimization for Single Machine Scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research.299, 420-431, 2022. (with H.Lu, Z.Pei, Q.Jin)

[18] Balancing the Profit and Capacity under Uncertainties: A Target-based Distributionally Robust Knapsack Problem. International Transaction of Operations Research. 29(2), 760-782, 2022. (with J.Ding, L.Chen, G.Ke, Y.Li)

[19] Project Scheduling and Resources Allocation Based on Cooperative Games Theory, Annals of Operations Research. 301, 121-141, 2021.(with X.Lin, J. Zhou, Y.Zeng)

[20] Target-Based Project Crashing Problem by Adaptive Distributionally Robust Optimization, Computer and Industrial Engineering. 107160, 2021.(with Z.Cui, Y.Li, H.Shen)

[21] 3PL Firm’s Equity Financing for Technology Innovation in a Platform Supply Chain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 147, 102239, 1-20, 2021.(with H.Fu, G.Ke, Z.Lian)

[22] Revenue Sharing for Resource Transfer among Projects, Computer and Operations Research. 127, 105156, 1-14, 2021.(with X.Lin, X.Cai, J.Zhou, Y.Zeng)

[23] Who Is Better Off by Selling Extended Warranties in the Supply Chain: the Manufacturer, the Retailer, or Both? Annals of Operations Research. Forthcoming. 2021 (with L.Guan, D.Long, H.Shen, H.Tang)

[24] Single-Item Repairable Inventory System with New and Warranty Demand. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.142, 102035, 1-17, 2020. (with Y.Lin, J.Leung, J.Gu)

[25] Scheduling the Distribution of Perishable Products: A Vendor-managed Inventory Routing Approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 140, 101964, 2020. (with W.Liu, G.Ke, J.Chen)

[26] Heterogeneous Suppliers’ Contract Design in Assembly Systems with Asymmetric Information. European Journal of Operational Research. 286, 140-163, 2020. (with Y.Lan, X.Cai, C.Shang, R.Zhao)

[27] Keep It or Give Back? Optimal Pricing Strategy of Reward-based Crowdfunding with Hybrid Mechanism, International Journal of Production Research. 58(22), 6868-6889, 2020.(with L.Guan, Y.Mu, X.Xu, J.Zhuang)