
ZHANG, Lianmin



Director of Data-driven Smart City, Transportation, and Logistics Laboratory





MS, Nanjing University

BS, Northwest University


Dr. Zhang Lianmin currently serves as the Director and Senior Research Scientist at the Data-driven Smart City, Transportation, and Logistics Laboratory of SRIBD. He previously held the position of Associate Professor at the School of Engineering Management at Nanjing University. His primary research focuses on data-driven operations management.

Dr. Zhang Lianmin has authored more than 40 academic papers in international SCI/SSCI journals such as Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Decision Science, Transportation Research Part B, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, and Transportation Research Part E.

In recent years, he has been the principal investigator for several natural science fund projects. He currently holds positions as a council member of the China Logistics Society, a council member of the China Operational Research Society's Sorting Branch, and a council member of the Guangdong Operational Research Society's Logistics Branch. He also serves as a communication and review expert for the Research Grants Council (RGC) in Hong Kong and as a reviewer for top international journals such as Operations Research.




Book Chapter

Scheduling with Stochastic Approaches. In Sequencing and Scheduling with Inaccurate Data, Editors: Yuri N. Sotskov and Frank Werner, Nova Science, 2013. (with X.Cai, X.Wu, X.Zhou)

Selected Journal Publication

[1]. The Inventory Routing Problem under Uncertainty. Operations Research, 71(1), 378-395, 2023. (with Z.Cui, D.Long, J.Qi)

[2]. Multi-portfolio Optimization:A Fairness-aware Target-oriented Model. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 26(3), 952-971, 2024.(with G.Yu, X.Cai, D.Long)

[3]. Distributionally Robust Newsvendor under Stochastic Dominance with a Feature-Based Application. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 26(5), 1962-1977, 2024.(with M. Fu, X.Li)

[4]. Target-based Inventory Pooling Problem. Production and Operations Management, 32, 1187-1204, 2023.(with Z.Cui, J.Ding, D. Long)

[5]. Cost Sharing for Capacity Transfer in Cooperating Queueing Systems, Production and Operations Management, 27(4), 644-662, 2018.(with Y.Zeng, X.Cai, J.Li)

[6]. Price Optimization for a Multi-Stage Choice Model. Production and Operations Management, 37(7), 1535-1551, 2024.(with J.Shi, G.Ke, Z.Wang)

[7].Token Sales Design in Initial Coin Offerings under Network Effect. Forthcoming at Naval Research Logistics. (with Z.Liu, X.Cai, F.Xu)

[8]. Pricing Optimization and Competition under the Linear Nested Stochastic Choice Model, Naval Research Logistics. 69(2), 201-222,2022. (with L.Li, M.Li, G.Ke)

[9]. Target-oriented Location-transportation Problem with Service-level Measure. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 153, 1-20,2021. (with X.Wang, Y.Kuo, H.Shen)

[10]. Optimal Purchasing Policy for Fresh Products from Multiple Supply Sources with Considerations of Random Delivery Times, Risk, and Information, Decision Sciences. 51(6), 1377-1410,2020.(with X.Xu, X.Cai)