
08:00 - 17:30
International Workshop On Mathematical Issues In Information Sciences
2023年数据科学国际研讨会 官方网站(英文):MIIS 2023         相关报道:深视新闻、南方+、SRIBD News 2022年数据科学国际研讨会 官方网站(英文):MIIS 2022         相关报道:SRIBD News 2021年数据科学国际研讨会 官方网站(英文):MIIS 2021       相关报道:SRIBD News 2020年数据科学国际研讨会 官方网站:MIIS 2020     相关报道:SRIBD News 2019年数据科学国际研讨会 官方网站(英文):MIIS 2019               相关报道:QQ News 2018年数据科学国际研讨会 官方网站(英文):MIIS 2018       相关报道:SRIBD News 2017年数据科学国际研讨会 官方网站(英文):MIIS 2017      相关报道:CUHK(SZ) News 2016年数据科学国际研讨会 官方网站(英文):MIIS 2016    相关报道:CUHK(SZ) News  
09:00 - 15:19

Administration Building W203

Workshop on Recent Advances in Fast Algorithms Schedule
Part II: Talk Information Biography: Shidong Jiang joined the Center for Computational Mathematics, Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation in August 2021 as a Senior Research Scientist. Jiang was previously a Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. His research lies in the field of numerical analysis and scientific computing with particular emphasis on fast numerical algorithms and integral equation methods for solving initial/boundary value problems for various partial differential equations. Shidong holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from New York University…
10:00 - 11:00


Randomized iterative methods for linear systems: Generalization and acceleration
Speaker: Prof.Deren Han   Topic: Randomized iterative methods for linear systems: Generalization and acceleration   Time & Date: on April 03 (Monday) 10:00-11:00 (Beijing Time)   Venue:DY105   Abstract: We present a new framework for the analysis and design of randomized algorithms for solving various types of linear systems, including consistent or inconsistent, full rank or rank-defificient. Our method is formulated with four randomized sampling parameters, which allows the method to cover many existing randomization algorithms within a unified framework, including the doubly st…
10:00 - 11:00
Influence of defects on polarization in ferroelectrics: a phase-field study by Dr.Xiaoxing Cheng
Speaker: Dr.Xiaoxing Cheng Topic: Influence of defects on polarization in ferroelectrics: a phase-field study by Dr.Xiaoxing Cheng Time & Date: on March 31 (Friday) 10:00-11:00 (Beijing Time) Zoom Meeting: https://cuhk-edu-cn.zoom.us/j/96295554527?pwd=cUpyZmkxaWZKOVc2M29QS1B2V3BOQT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 962 9555 4527 Password​:123456 Abstract: Ferroelectric is a large group of functional materials that possesses outstanding ferroelectric, piezoelectric, dielectric properties, and a wide range of applications, such as capacitors, actuators, transducers, random access memories, waveguid…
09:00 - 10:00
An effective metaheuristic for the last mile delivery with roaming delivery locations and stochastic travel times by Dr.Yandong He
Speaker: Dr.Yandong He Topic: An effective metaheuristic for the last mile delivery with roaming delivery locations and stochastic travel times by Dr.Yandong He Time & Date: on March 16 (Thursday) 09:00-10:00 (Beijing Time) Zoom Meeting: https://cuhk-edu-cn.zoom.us/j/91425379503?pwd=ZGNGR1o2WTJ0Wm5LNTNkS014NVN4QT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 914 2537 9503 Password​:123456 Abstract: We consider the last mile delivery system with roaming delivery locations and stochastic travel times. The problem is formulated as a two-stage stochastic programming model with recourses, its objective is to mini…
10:00 - 11:00
Time Series and Nonparametric Regression
Abstract   Time series is a data type that commonly appears in applications from different areas. Existing methods developed for independent data, however, may not be directly applicable to time series data as ignoring the dependence can lead to distorted p-values and erroneous conclusions. In this talk, I will illustrate the use of nonparametric regression on time series data, which is robust to model misspecification issues when compared with popular parametric models. Implementation of nonparametric methods, however, can be computationally demanding especially in the current big data era.…
10:00 - 11:00


Frontier firms, inefficiency and productivity dynamics
Time & Date: 10:00 -11:00, ,Monday, January 11, 2021 Speaker: Dr. Shipei Zeng Join Zoom Meeting: https://cuhksz.zoom.com.cn/j/64582511292?pwd=TTBoUTBmcDlFeHRySk9LMnZhMy9vQT09 Meeting ID:645-8251-1292 Password: 123456   Abstract: Productivity dynamics occur when firms enter and exit a market. Contributions from firms to industry productivity can be decomposed into effects from entrants, exiters and incumbents. As opposed to productivity dynamics, productivity can also be decomposed into explanatory factors regarding efficiency and technical progress. These two patterns of decomposit…
10:00 - 11:00


Best Laid Plans: Economic Consequences of Shadow Banking Crackdown  
Topic: Best Laid Plans: Economic Consequences of Shadow Banking Crackdown   Time & Date: 10:00 -11:00, Monday, March 29, 2021   Speaker: Dr. Bo Jiang   Join Zoom Meeting: https://cuhk-edu-cn.zoom.com.cn/j/93743990446?pwd=ZkpwdnJJOEpGL0tOWUF4RFB6dE1iQT09   Zoom Meeting ID: 937-4399-0446   Password: 123456   Abstract:   This paper studies the impact of shadow banking regulation on the financial system and the real economy. For identification, I exploit a policy – “New Asset Management Rules'' (NAMR) – that restricts the issuance of wealth management products (WMPs) used to sup…
10:00 - 11:00


Learning Theory of Deep Neural Networks
报告主题: Learning Theory of Deep Neural Networks 报告嘉宾: 林绍波教授(西安交通大学) 报告时间: 9月9日(星期四)10:00-11:00 参与方式: 加入 Zoom 会议 https://cuhk-edu-cn.zoom.com.cn/j/99970274588?pwd=Tk0wUnlwSk1LWWlSWXo5UUQzWTRuQT09 会议号:999 7027 4588 密码:681114 报告简介:  Deep learning has attracted enormous research activities in the past decade. In this talk, we focus on theoretically demonstrating the power of depth, the role of massive data and the existence of a perfect global minima of ERM on deep ReLU nets. In particular, we derive optimal error bounds for running ERM on deep ReLU nets for numerous types of data. Our mai…