深圳国际工业与应用数学中心 研究科学家
香港科技大学 博士
哈尔滨工业大学 学士
万帅斌博士2018年于哈尔滨工业大学材料科学系获得学士学位,2022年于香港科技大学机械工程系获得博士学位。其主要研究兴趣包括机器学习和数值模拟,特别是其在电池储能技术中的应用。其科研成果发表于Energy & Environmental Science, Applied Energy等能源领域知名刊物,并担任Journal of Power Sources, International Journal of Energy Research等期刊审稿人。
[1] Shuaibin Wan, Haoran Jiang, Zixiao Guo, Changxiang He, Xiongwei Liang, Djilali Ned, and Tianshou Zhao. Machine learning-assisted design of flow fields for redox flow batteries. Energy & Environmental Scicence 2022, 15: 2874-2888.
[2] Shuaibin Wan, Xiongwei Liang, Haoran Jiang, Jing Sun, Ned Djilali, and Tianshou Zhao. A coupled machine learning and genetic algorithm approach to the design of porous electrodes for redox flow batteries. Applied Energy 2021, 298: 117177.
[3] Jiahui Xu, Shuaibin Wan, Yao Wang, Su Huang, Zhihao Yuan, Fanglin Chen, Yanxiang Zhang, and Tong Liu. Enhancing performance of molybdenum doped strontium ferrite electrode by surface modification through Ni infiltration. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2021, 46 (18): 10876-10891 .
[4] Guang Jiang, Fuyao Yan, Shuaibin Wan, Yanxiang Zhang, and Mufu Yan. Microstructure evolution and kinetics of B-site nanoparticle exsolution from an A-site-deficient perovskite surface: a phase-field modeling and simulation study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, 21 (21): 10902-10907.
[5] Shuaibin Wan, Mufu Yan, and Yanxiang Zhang. A numerical study of infiltrated solid oxide fuel cell electrode with dual‐phase backbone. International Journal of Energy Research 2019, 43 (7): 2562-2570.