
LEI, Shunbo



Research Scientist


Ph.D. (The University of Hong Kong)

B.Eng. (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)


Power & energy systems, grid-interactive efficient buildings, infrastructure resilience, optimization, machine/reinforcement learning.


Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering




Shunbo received his B.Eng. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2013, and Ph.D. degree from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2017. He was a visiting scholar with Argonne National Laboratory from 2015 to 2017, a postdoctoral researcher with HKU from 2017 to 2019, and a research fellow with the University of Michigan (UM)-Ann Arbor from 2019 to 2021. He is currently an assistant professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. His research interests lie broadly in power and energy, optimization and learning.

Shunbo is currently serving as an editorial board member for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Power Engineering Letters, Energy Reports, and Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, the secretary for IEEE PES Loads Subcommittee, and the chair for IEEE PES Task Force on FlexGEB to Enhance Electric Service Resilience. He has served as a TPC member for conferences including IEEE SmartGridComm and IET RPG. He has also (co-)chaired panel sessions at events including IEEE PES GM and IEEE iSPEC.

Shunbo received the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Top 5 Outstanding Papers Award (2019-2021), the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Best Reviewer Award (2018, 2019 and 2021), and the Netherlands’ 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering - Young Resilience Fellowship (2021).


For the full list of Shunbo’s publications, please visit his Google Scholar profile:

Selected Publications (until May 2022):

  1. Shunbo Lei, David Pozo, Ming-Hao Wang, Qifeng Li, Yupeng Li, and Chaoyi Peng, "Power Economic Dispatch against Extreme Weather Conditions: The Price of Resilience," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 157: 111994, Apr. 2022.
  2. Aditya Keskar*, Shunbo Lei*, Taylor Webb, Sarah Nagy, Ian A. Hiskens, Johanna L. Mathieu, and Jeremiah X. Johnson, "Assessing the Performance of Global Thermostat Adjustment in Commercial Buildings for Load Shifting Demand Response," Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2: 015003, Mar. 2022. (*Co-first and co-corresponding authors)
  3. Shunbo Lei, Johanna L. Mathieu, and Rishee K. Jain, "Performance of Existing Models in Baselining Demand Response from Commercial Building HVAC Fans," ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities, 2(2): 021002, May 2021.
  4. Rong-Peng Liu, Shunbo Lei*, Chaoyi Peng, Wei Sun, and Yunhe Hou, "Data-based Resilience Enhancement Strategies for Electric-Gas Systems against Sequential Extreme Weather Events," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 11(6): 5383-5395, Nov 2020. (*Corresponding author)
  5. Shunbo Lei, Chen Chen, Yue Song, and Yunhe Hou, "Radiality Constraints for Resilient Reconfiguration of Distribution Systems: Formulation and Application to Microgrid Formation," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 11(5): 3944-3956, Sep 2020.
  6. Shunbo Lei, David Hong, Johanna L. Mathieu, and Ian A. Hiskens, "Baseline Estimation of Commercial Building HVAC Fan Power Using Tensor Completion," in Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Porto, Portugal, Jun 2020.
  7. Shunbo Lei, Chen Chen, Yupeng Li, and Yunhe Hou, "Resilient Disaster Recovery Logistics of Distribution Systems: Co-Optimize Service Restoration with Repair Crew and Mobile Power Source Dispatch," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(6): 6187-6202, Nov 2019. (2019-2021 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Top 5 Outstanding Papers Award)
  8. Shunbo Lei, Chen Chen, Hui Zhou, and Yunhe Hou, "Routing and Scheduling of Mobile Power Sources for Distribution System Resilience Enhancement," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(5): 5650-5662, Sep 2019.
  9. Yang Liu, Shunbo Lei*, and Yunhe Hou, "Restoration of Power Distribution Systems with Multiple Data Centers as Critical Loads," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(5): 5294-5307, Sep 2019. (*Corresponding author)
  10. Shunbo Lei, Jianhui Wang, Chen Chen, and Yunhe Hou, "Mobile Emergency Generator Pre-Positioning and Real-Time Allocation for Resilient Response to Natural Disasters," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(3): 2030-2041, May 2018. (ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper)
  11. Shunbo Lei, Jianhui Wang, and Yunhe Hou, "Remote-Controlled Switch Allocation Enabling Prompt Restoration of Distribution Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(3): 3129-3142, May 2018.
  12. Shunbo Lei, Yunhe Hou, Feng Qiu, and Jie Yan, "Identification of Critical Switches for Integrating Renewable Distributed Generation by Dynamic Network Reconfiguration," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(1): 420-432, Jan 2018.
  13. Shunbo Lei, Yunhe Hou, Xi Wang, and Kai Liu, "Unit Commitment Incorporating Spatial Distribution Control of Air Pollutant Dispersion," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13(3): 995-1005, Jun 2017.